Call The Nurse

“Omg, I cannot really believe it’s been already two weeks since the last time I had time to sit down and spend some time with the blog but life can be so busy, isn’t it?”

Now, imagine all that typed with freshly manicured nails and read it out loud in a most likely unnerving high-pitched voice; this would be the opening of one of those fancy mumsy blogs where the author “dispenses pieces of advice that are a novelty to no one but she made them sound like The Word of Our Lord and squeezes the time for her writing in between school runs and pilates classes.

 I can’t even squeeze myself in pilates pants, never mind the classes, even though I religiously do my 18/20 mins of daily yoga though,(Monday to Friday because on weekends even my joints and soul deserve a break) so that, is definitely not the opening of this blog.

This blog will open with my apologies for not posting for a couple of weeks without really having a reasonable excuse, if not being caught up in spring cleaning the house and, once I was done with that, instead of sitting down and blogging I went to Italy for a long weekend to spend European mother’s day with my mom. I kept my IG page going though!

Then when I came back I had to deep clean the house again because the rest of my household has a totally different concept of cleanness and hygiene than me.

So that’s the ugly truth behind my absence: my dirty family and a sick husband. that was another “task” distracting me.

Nothing serious he had, thankfully. Just a stomach bug; one of those bugs that are normally over in 24/48 hours. In his case was 48, of course.48 hours of excruciating pain that saw him going from a day of slightly more bowel movements than usual( no, he did not even have proper diarrhea)to half a day of constipation,(yes, his intestine was healthily back to normal in a day). The lower abdomen cramps were still there, though…..after a day!!!!!!!. And I couldn’t even dismiss it as I normally do with the girls with the usual: “It must be your period” .

Not much I could do but accept that the very same man who can stitch up himself and walk for hours and hours in the woods under whatever weather conditions cannot cope with a little bit of belly ache.

It’s been 48 very long hours, but at least his appendix scar didn’t start to hurt back too, because you know, at the odd times, 7 years after the surgery, it still does!!!!

Enjoy your weekend everybody, and do not forget to follow us.

11 thoughts on “Call The Nurse

  1. So nice to hear from you! I am happy that you were able to spend time with Mama. There is no getting around the housework that awaits when we are away. Glad your husband is on the mend.
    I haven’t written in a while. Was in Europe for two weeks and now I love spending time in my yard. So hard to sit in front of a computer unless I have to. xoxo Regina

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